28 August, 2006

Full Of Random Shit

_ A friend mentioned that my blog is full of random shit. So here it goes again.

_ If you don't know something about someone, please ask the person in question. Don't assume. As an old army saying goes: Assumptions make an ASS of U an ME.

_ Stephen Colbert and Jon Steward was fucking funny while presenting the Emmy.

_ A friend advises another friend in a new relationship to communicate at all time. Well, guys will want to communicate to have it easy and gals just want guys to "get" them.

_ When you like a someone, you don't try to change him. An ex-colleague once said when people were saying bad things about her boyfriend. That is someone who knows who she wants and got it.

_ The only TeeVee watchable now, besides Tottenham Hotspur Live matches, is the channel HBO. Fucking good programs. There is absolutely nothing good outside this channel. Curb Your Enthusiasm, American Splendor, Napoleon Dynamite, Jerry Mcguire, Entourage, Batman Begins, etc. Some of them you have seen before but they are good enough to watch again.

_ I am full of shit right now, but its really all in a big mess. So, until next time, feel free to check out what I digg and what I think is del.icio.us. Thank you and good night.


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