24 August, 2005

how I learn to stop worrying and love the night shifts again

About a year ago, those big SOBs and Bs at the offices took away my nightshifts and, now, they are throwing them back in my life again.

Don't get me wrong: I love the graveyard shifts. However, getting use them is a bit of a problem and that is why I am eyes wide open awake right now.

Some explanation is, perhaps, needed for those who don't understand how my shifts worked: I work 12hrs for 4 days one week and another 12hrs for 3 days for another week. I alternate 2 weeks of day shift and 2 weeks of night. The graveyard shift starts from 7pm to 7am and the day shift 7am to 7pm.

Understooded? Never mind.

There was a time, before I had a real job, I used to love sleeping late and wake up in the afternoon. I felt that I was wasting time by sleeping too early. And, I had stuff to do at night. For example, playing pc games, like Championship Manager, Baldur's Gate or Fall Out, or watching late night television, Seinfeld, Silk Stocking(yes, I was young then!), The Late Show with David Letterman, etc.

And when I starting working, I enjoyed the night shift due to the fact that no big SOBs were around. We got to get away with a lot of stuff. Like playing pc games, bring movies to watch and other misdemeanors that I can't really mention here.

That was the past. Now, I prefer to sleep before 12. Wake up before 8. Early birdie catches the worms. Although I haven't even smell any of those slimy lil'things, that's the way for me at present.

Although it is going to take awhile, I know will learn to love night shifts again.


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