26 April, 2006

trippin' in KL part two: gentin'

Me and one funky looking clown.

The clown was my guide for the day at Genting. He was cool, so was the temperature there. He was short, so were the thrill duration of the rides there. Check out my graph.

Big Whoop.

It got longer for some people though. When the rollercoaster, by the way, called the Cockscrew, got stucked on the way up for 15 minutes.

One of the three silhouetted figures: Hey, I just realised... these people actually expect US to do something. Ah ha ha ha! Douche!

They actually make you pay 10 ringgit for photos taken on these rides! What do they take me for? A sucker? I tried to outsmart those losers with the aid of my sister.

Can't blame her. I was going at a blazing speed of 5km/hr. But, finally, she got it.

Hey, mom. Look at my shiny helmet!

At the end, me and my sister got separated with the rest. I tell you the place was huge and it really don't help mucho when two different casinos were named Casino De Genting.

Me: We are in Casino De Genting!
The rest: So are WE! Let's meet at the entrance!
Me: We ARE at the entrance.
The rest: So are WE!
Me: Are you guys sure you are at Casino De Genting?
The rest: The sign says: Casino De Genting.
Me: Wait.. I know now. We in the Twlight Zone.

Oh yes, I lost 20 ringgit to the jackpot. The clown won 20 ringgit.


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