23 July, 2006

This One Is For Myself

2001 and beyond..!

_ Every now and then, I like to look back at my life and see how I am holding so far. And when a question like... say... how long does it take to get over someone? gets thrown into your face, you kinda think: It is that time again.

_ The answer I gave was six mths which was a psycho-reflex action. The actual fact is I don't know. It has been over two years and I haven't got over that someone.

_ I have never seen anyone with that much positivity in my life. I have learnt so much from her in a very short space of time. Although, we went out for a few dates, we were never together. I had way too much pride then.

_ My experience with her has brought forth a new perspective in life for me. A need to look at my past and to understand how it has formed me. It sure hell wasn't pretty. It sure hell wasn't exciting. It sure hell felt that I haven't lived at all.

_ However, I have come to terms with my past. I looked through it and still managed to learn from it. I have also come to terms with life. I don't question what life has to throw at me anymore. I embrace it. I embrace the changes and the challenges.

_ My greatest aim in life is to be able to have nothing and still be happy. Very much like a man living under the bridge and spents his days laughing at everything. That is the greatest aim.

_ Now that I have truly answered the question, I can see I am holding out just fine. The reason I haven't got over her is because I think there are still lessons to be learnt from the experience and to remember who I was before.


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