01 October, 2006

Stairway to Anywhere

_ I bought - the traditional way - Led Zeppelin's double disc album, Physical Graffiti, about 4 years ago, and only a few months back I started to play it.

_ Now, I am hooked. I even bought the famous IV (or whatever you wish to call it) album.

_ In it, of course, is the widely considered best rock song ever, which I agree, Stairway to Heaven.

_ Yesterday, I found out it is, also, one of the most controversial song ever!

_ If you reverse one part of the song:

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

_ It will become:

So here's to my Sweet Satan.
The one whose little path
Would make me sad,
Whose power is Satan.
He'll give those with him 666.
There was a little toolshed,
Where he made us suffer sad, Satan.

_ Check it out here.

_ More songs with sublimal message here.


Blogger Dan said...

So these things are true eh? I thought it's just a hoax. I'm gonna investigate further. lol.

Anyway, dude, you read my mind again. My updated layout which I uploaded yesterday is dominantly green too. Your header's pretty green to me!


9:53 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

I'm back from listening to the clips. Some were pretty amazing (including the stairway to heaven) but the rest aren't. You can't make out the words at all, and you begin to understand only when you've read the provided, supposed "hidden lyrics". The power of suggestion is powerful. Once you're mind is told that you're gonna hear "something", it adjusts so that you'd hear exactly just that. In other words, you hear what you want to hear.

But still a good and entertaining effort no matter what.

10:07 PM  
Blogger notaboutwill said...

Green is this year's black!

Yup. I think Stairway is really well made... Robert Plant is a genius!

Another one would be the Pokemon rap!

10:35 PM  

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