31 October, 2005

weeleongraphy: graffiti in sgp

30 October, 2005

pop icon: dance dance revolution

The popular arcade game, Dance Dance Revolution aka DDR, developed by Konami has reach the level of pop icon status. As if I need to be the one to proclaim it though.

You know it is confirmed when it was featured in the new Madonna Music Video, Hung Up. Although I don't regret my decision not to try the hold body workout game, I am sad to say I never tried it.

Introduced in 1998, reached Singapore soon after, it has been a permanent fixure at every decent arcade. If you call yourself a decent Ah Beng or Ah Lian or just a poser, you must have a least tried it once.

Maybe one of these days, when I find the courage - and when I find an empty arcade - I will eventually give a go.

You may say: What is point then ? Dance Dance Revolution is the ultimate poser machine!

You are probably right. But, for now, I will just admire those talented nimble teenagers from afar.

Madonna's "Hung Up" Music Video
Konami's DDR page (In Japanese)
Wikipedia's DDR page

announcement: i changed job

I realised not many ppl know that I have changed job.

I am not working at slackerHP anymore. I am now at whythehelldidileaveslackerhptojointheunslackerSTM. STM is NOT Singapore Technology.
It is SGSThomson Microelectronics. A France-Italy wafer maker. All your pretty lil' Nokia handphone runs on the chips they make.

Some of the guys asked me why I did leave HP. Well, one of the reason is i can actually, and do, walk to work!

Anyway, working is never fun and I am still adapting to their work culture and the full cleanroom smog - aka the ninja suit as Yusof the head of security like to call it. It is gonna be a hell of a ride... for better or for worse.

23 October, 2005


Never Sit Still. Always scratch.

A little introduction to "ichibutt!":

It is the name of my imaginary studio.

The name came about one day when I was on a bus. The TVmobile was blasting a tv commercial of the electronic goods company called Ichiban. From afar, I could only hear "blah blah... Itchy Butt! blah blah... Itchy Butt!"

It comes to mean that I am the One (ichi) Butt you ever need for your communication needs be it graphics design, web design, events etc. Also, it means that I can never sit still. I need to be working on something everytime.

My imaginary studio is still not very professional but my standard freelance fee is FREE!


more from the melting pot

Click on each image for a larger view now!

It is basically joining the first letter of the two words from "Bunny Kidz" to form an image.

At first I was trying to form an image of a rabbit, later, it simply evolved into a carrot.

This is my second idea for the online shop Bunny Kidz. I haven't shown it to my "client" yet.

Here is the first one:

This next one is a variation of the first one.

Pls feel free to spam me!

17 October, 2005

video blog guy

Check out brit Jack Selby's video blog.



by Radiohead
"Kid A"

Flies are buzzing round my head
Vultures circling the dead
Picking up every last crumb
The big fish eat the little ones
The big fish eat the little ones
Not my problem, give me some

You can try the best you can
If you try the best you can
The best you can is good enough
If you try the best you can
If you try the best you can
The best you can is good enough

This one's optimistic
This one went to market
This one just came out of the swamp
This one dropped a payload
Fodder for the animals
Living on animal farm

If you try the best you can
If you try the best you can
The best you can is good enough
If you try the best you can
If you try the best you can
The best you can is good enough

I'd really like to help you, man
I'd really like to help you, man
Nervous messed up marionettes
Floating around on a prison ship

If you try the best you can
If you try the best you can
The best you can is good enough
If you can try the best you can
If you try the best you can
Dinosaurs roaming the Earth
Dinosaurs roaming the Earth
Dinosaurs roaming the Earth

13 October, 2005

a 100 bullets in the my foot


That hurt bad. Oh yeah. B. A. D.

You might have experience shooting yourself in the foot once. I have shoot myself in there a 100 times in just one month.

Anyway, if anyone cares, this is my 100th post.

rollingstone still gathering no moss

I wish I was walking in the "Streets of Love" now.

franz ferdinand rox

Their new album rocks, baby!

But the song "Take Me Out" comes to my mind right now.

08 October, 2005

FREE! desktop wallpaper!

Click on selected image(s) to enlarge!

02 October, 2005

last day at hp

Thanks for coming guys!