28 January, 2006

ichibutt: a random sketch & some thoughts

This is a sketch I did about a two months back.

This whole idea of studying fulltime that I am playing around with is so I can find time to do this sort of things: like sketching, illustrating, web-designing, reading, photographing etc.

The manufacturing line is one big B.O.R.E. to me. No offense to those fine ppl who find their passion in it. Hey, I worked there for almost 4 years now but its just not for me.

Besides, I am not saying I am going to somewhere where I will earn tons of money, take it easy and be cool. I am just saying I wanna go to somewhere I don't mind doing stuff for 24/7 and feel satisfied. You know? Satisfaction? Happiness? I don't and I certainly wanna find out.

Just moments ago, I was doodling on paper and pc... I felt time just stopped. My mind was totally focused and anything else was simply blocked out. It was a good feeling and I liked it. Now, I want to find out why I like it and how I can get more of it.

6th weblog awards: bloggies™ 2006,

Check out the bloggies


Xiaxue not nominated. Surprise, surprise.

27 January, 2006

Smell Of Rain

Thats the name of a local independent mandarin movie production. The lead actor is one of my classmates from MDIS. Donch really know much about this classmate of mine but I am all for indie films without Recycled Actors/Director such as lim kay tong* or whatever shit face that we see all the time. The trailer looks quite well edited.


(*I donch have a thing against lim kay tong. His name just popped first into my mind. That's all.)

26 January, 2006

internet: big brother NSA

Please read the articles from CNN and PowerlineBlog (links provided) on your own. I am not into politics but this is quite interesting in some ways.

Link to CNN's article.
Link to Powerline Blog.
Link to more photos.

"When the people fear the government, you have tyranny. When the government
fears the people, you have freedom."
Thomas Paine, one of the founding fathers of America.

21 January, 2006

ichibutt: unreal big doe eye blonde

Click on image to enlarge.

I initially wanted to do a Kate Bosworth... in the end it just became like that... a bit inspired by Aoshima. A bit only okie!

20 January, 2006

internet: heh heh... this is just weird..

Shanghai girl gets a book deal simply by taking pix of herself urinating! Go figure!


18 January, 2006

ichibutt: hell, yes

Click on image to love me I like I do.

15 January, 2006

one (co)oled keyboard comin' up

Check this cool keyboard from russia out!

Link (in russian).

ichibutt: it is all me!

Click on image to enlarge.

After almost two months, I finally know how to use the freakingly useful pathfinder tool in Adobe Illustrator!

13 January, 2006

swampland + decision time

Click image to enlarge image.

Even before I left HP, I had already been thinking of studying full time. Now, it is really decided.

Leaving HP for STM was because it was to keep my brain from nwahing/rotting and it was nearer to home and therefore less tired/lathagic. However, it was not to be the case.

Now. Am I to continue with Mass Communications or Communication(Graphic) Design?

1) It is a degree.
2) It has bunch of other boring stuff like journalism which I am not interested.

1) It will be probably more fun.
2) It is only a diploma.

This is the mostest toughest decision I have ever had to make! I wrong step and I may find myself turning tricks in Tokyo!

06 January, 2006

ichibutt: ME!

Click on image to erect me.

Still a work-in-progress. But its been awhile since I blogged.