21 October, 2006

VW Beetle Vectorised

_ I have been putting this off for a long time now. By "this" I meant vectorising daily objects such as the vintage VW Beetle. By vectorising I meant tracing it in Adobe Illustrator or other such vector softwares.

_ Today, I did just that. Below is the step by step illustrated show and tell of what I went through for the past gruelling 12 hours.

_ First hour:

_ Doing the easiest shapes first. Here's the next three hours:

_ I was tired of just doing shapes so I did some shading as well. First to the headlights then the door handle and I added colour so it wasn't so boring to look at. Of course, after sometime I grew tired and was too lazy to save all the steps. So, here is the final product:

_ Although not shown in the above images, I had the 50% reduced opacity photo of the Beetle underneath my artwork all the time.

_ Here are some close up details of the vectorised Beetle:

_ Basically, this is just a small part of a bigger series of self-training sessions I am putting myself through for the next two years. Hopefully, I will be good enough in the end even my beloved government wants me to do some of their work!


11 October, 2006

Adopt a Pet Instead Weekly Entry


10 October, 2006

Scissor Sisters

_ Wow! Whatever stars out of whatever stars. This is the band of 2006 and definitely for a long time. Whether Gay or not Gay.

_ They will give you your fix of Disco, Glam Rock and Alternative Rock. Blows your mind away.

_ Here check their number one hit single, I Don't Feel Like Dancing, out.

_ If you don't feel like dancing after hearing this song then you must be a spammer!


09 October, 2006

300 Trailer

_ If you read enough of my blog, you will know that I am a Frank Miller fan. So much so that people should already be shutting me up about how I am a Frank Miller fan.

_ One of Frank Miller greatest works, artistically, 300 is being made into a movie and its amazing new trailer is out.

_ It is really a huge testament, to how revered the Great Artist is, when two movies are styled exactly from the pages of his Great Works - the other being Sin City and soon Sin City 2 with Angelina Jolie.

_ Here is the trailer.

_ Or go for the Quicktime version.


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06 October, 2006

Hokusai Ripoff

_ Me ripping-offing Hokusai's infamous Mt. Fuji painting using Illustrator.

_ Original here:


05 October, 2006

This Photo Have the Ability to Stop Wars

04 October, 2006


_ Featured above are Valiant the Jack Russell, Bourbon the Husky, Shaq the gigantic Mastiff and a lazy grey cat.

_ Valiant is patiently waiting for his new owner to pick him up.

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Bumped Into Blinkymummy... Almost!

_ Should gone eat and blog about this restaurant called Chao Zhou, a Teochew porridge place at Jalan Kayu. Otherwise, could have bumped into Blinkymummy on monday.

_ Instead, Keith and I went to consume our lunch at the makan place beside the carpark and didn't even blog about the chicken nasi Barney.. ops.. brani.. I ate! (It was okay only. No big deal.)

_ Of course, she probably went for dinner lah. Nevertheless..!

01 October, 2006

Stairway to Anywhere

_ I bought - the traditional way - Led Zeppelin's double disc album, Physical Graffiti, about 4 years ago, and only a few months back I started to play it.

_ Now, I am hooked. I even bought the famous IV (or whatever you wish to call it) album.

_ In it, of course, is the widely considered best rock song ever, which I agree, Stairway to Heaven.

_ Yesterday, I found out it is, also, one of the most controversial song ever!

_ If you reverse one part of the song:

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

_ It will become:

So here's to my Sweet Satan.
The one whose little path
Would make me sad,
Whose power is Satan.
He'll give those with him 666.
There was a little toolshed,
Where he made us suffer sad, Satan.

_ Check it out here.

_ More songs with sublimal message here.