31 August, 2005

other blogger's blog

Great Swedish ideas #56789

A Swedish library, realizing that books are not the only things being judged by their covers, will give visitors a different opportunity this weekend—to borrow a Muslim, a lesbian, or a Dane...

Click here to read on.

other blogger's blog

I visited one of the Blogger's recently noticed blog called Eyes Wide Apart.

The blogger is an illustrator and she is great. Check it out.

29 August, 2005

big ass headache

I was reminded that I have to come in for work today a few hours after my last blog entry.

Having a huge headache right now.

Dunno why am I at work. I am working at a factory and they are not running any production today.

Normally, I don't blog at work or about work. Professional ethics. However, headache
+ not busy = distraction needed.

During lunch, the cafeteria somehow knew about my current head condition and prepared porridge for me.

Pretty foreign colleague, Nang, just walked by. Don't really know her. She is from another production line, from another shift. She seems busy.

Another 4.5hrs to end work. Another day til pay day.

wide awake and hot

Just returned from night shift yesterday morning. Slept almost the whole of Sunday. Woke up just to eat. Now, I am wide awake again. Plus, the weather's bloody hot man.

27 August, 2005

luminosita aka andy tan

Mr. Oh Look At Me, I Am In Today's Today.

Mr. Big Hotshot Fancy Pants Musical Director.

Mr. Andy Tan's interview in Today.
The yesterday's Today frontpage
His comments on his blog.

Strangly, on the same page of the paper was an article on the circle line in Lorong Chuan.

For those who those who don't where the heck is this ulu place, it is somewhere in Serangoon and there lives ThaiJames. What a coincidence, right?!

Plus, the musical Luminosita is directing is going to open on April 15, 2006! My Birthday! What a coincidence, right?! Right?!?!

I know he is going to surprise me with a return trip ticket to Chicago to watch the show as a present for my birthday! Right?!?! RIGHT?!?!

nasir vs racist blogger

Read Nasir blog on how he helped to nab a racist blogger.

(He doesn't have permalinks to his articles on the racist blogger so you have to make do with his whole August Archive.)

IMHO, the racist blogger should be allowed to go on and entice all the racists in Singapore to come out. Only then we catch them all and slap them silly.

25 August, 2005

comics are not just for kids okay?

Thanks to the 28 years old, dad to be cousin of mine, Gabby, I started to collect comics again.

Gabby was buying the whole of the Neil Gaiman's Sandman tradepaperbacks (tpbs) and, now, some Batman titles.

Actually, I have been the first to renew the interest in conjunction with the release of Spiderman the Movie. The first one being the 9/11 black issue and one issue for every month.

However, I was only buying because I can. It is only 5-6 bucks per month. It used to be a big deal for my allowance was 50 bucks per month when I was in secondary school and a hundred in Poly.

Now. More. The flame was reignited by Gabby.

First, it was Sin City. I was always intrigued by Frank Miller's art on the Sin City covers but never did bring myself to buy one. After watching the thriller for Sin City the Movie, I was edged over and bought the first volume of Sin City's tbps, The Hard Goodbye.

It didn't stop there. I bought the following two volumes and Gabby bought the fourth one which was The Yellow Bastard - all these volumes except for the second one, A Dame to Kill For, was feature in the movie. Sin City, as you might have seen on in movie, didn't have much of a story. It was the violent-noir style of Frank Miller art that was pure gold for me.

Y: the Last Man. Mmm...I want.. to be...

Second, from the fantastic Vertigo Comics: Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan, Pia Guerra and Jose Marzan Jr. This reads like a great sci-fi novel. We follow Yorick the last male human on earth, his male monkey, Ampersand, and several female companions in the mission to find out what wiped out the planet's habitants with the Y chromosome. Visit its website for more details. (And a free issue!).

This title has one of the most unique and incredible storylines I have ever seen! The art is great, however, it is nothing like Miller's of course. Despite that, it is something I will continue to collect.

Lastly are some stuff that I bought to sample. Titles such as The Human Target (not bad but just not as interesting enough to plok 6 bucks/mth) and 30 Days of Night (good storyline though not unique. Plus, I don't really like the art).

These comics I mentioned, besides Spiderman and Batman, are more for the matured audiences - most Vertigo and Dark Horse comics are, including The Mask - due to some nudity/sex scenes, vulgar language and violence.

300 by Frank Miller. Lucky for me it's not $300! Image courtesy of moebiusgraphics.com.

I am really enjoying my renewed interest in comics. Make no mistakes, they are not cheap. The current one I am thinking of buying is another one by Miller called 300. It is about the 300 Spartans, led by Leonidas, who stood against thousands of Persians in the year 480 BC. The hardcover tpb costs 60 bucks at Absolute Comics! My wallet is screaming "no fucking way" but my heart got no ears.

Here are some links:
Silverbullet Comic Books Reviews
Frank Miller's Complete Work by two huge fans.

24 August, 2005

i ♥ to design

I like to design stuff so I came up with "project: weiliangraphy.com" just in case I ever want to have my own domain name for my blog.

I am going just chuck all the stuff that come up with here.

Here they are:

©2005 lee wee leong.

©2005 lee wee leong.

©2005 lee wee leong.

©2005 lee wee leong.

signallers @ marche suntec on monday

Some of the signallers met up on monday.

We had dinner at Marche Suntec which sucked. I had the famed Rosti and shared the Hunter Chicken Sausage with okx. Not as good as the one Heeren some of the guys said. Later, we had cakes and ice-cream- I had the Nutty Professor which ThaiJames had a huge bite- at NYDC.

Here are some photos from Okx's new swanky Sony Ericsson K750i:
ThaiJames, Jer, Me and Luminosita snuggled it up at NYDC.

Ray, okx, Genius and Bigboss Sam.

Okx did the impossible by shrinking his head!

Johniee, Benji and Morgue joined us briefly too.

my life long soccer fantasy

Edgar Davids + Tottenham Hotspur is my life long soccer dream... drool... gargle..

Wait a minute! It is no longer a fantasy! It came true! WOOOoooHOOOOooo! I can die now.

MMMmmm... Davids' dreamy...
Courtesy of TottenhamHotspur.com

Speaking of fantasy soccer: I have joined the Yahoo! UK Premiership Fantasy Soccer. Two weeks into the season, I am top of the league that LatioGan and his friends created. Kind of mirroring the form that Spurs is in right now. Not bad for a newbie huh?

Who's Number One? Huh? Who?!

Yes. My team's name is Angelina Jolie. So what? I like her, okay?

Watching the Sunderland Vs Man City match now. Vassell scored from a Joey Barton pass! Both these players are in my fantasy team. Hee Hee. Happy as if I won a thousand buck.

how I learn to stop worrying and love the night shifts again

About a year ago, those big SOBs and Bs at the offices took away my nightshifts and, now, they are throwing them back in my life again.

Don't get me wrong: I love the graveyard shifts. However, getting use them is a bit of a problem and that is why I am eyes wide open awake right now.

Some explanation is, perhaps, needed for those who don't understand how my shifts worked: I work 12hrs for 4 days one week and another 12hrs for 3 days for another week. I alternate 2 weeks of day shift and 2 weeks of night. The graveyard shift starts from 7pm to 7am and the day shift 7am to 7pm.

Understooded? Never mind.

There was a time, before I had a real job, I used to love sleeping late and wake up in the afternoon. I felt that I was wasting time by sleeping too early. And, I had stuff to do at night. For example, playing pc games, like Championship Manager, Baldur's Gate or Fall Out, or watching late night television, Seinfeld, Silk Stocking(yes, I was young then!), The Late Show with David Letterman, etc.

And when I starting working, I enjoyed the night shift due to the fact that no big SOBs were around. We got to get away with a lot of stuff. Like playing pc games, bring movies to watch and other misdemeanors that I can't really mention here.

That was the past. Now, I prefer to sleep before 12. Wake up before 8. Early birdie catches the worms. Although I haven't even smell any of those slimy lil'things, that's the way for me at present.

Although it is going to take awhile, I know will learn to love night shifts again.

17 August, 2005

popular searches

Here are the "Popular searches in my network" from friendster:

3.女老师 做爱
4.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
5.mitsubitshi evo
6.clubbing clothes
7.true love quiz
9.calvin klein swim wear
10.mazda RX-9

Here are some of my silly comments:

First of all, the top 3. What kind of sick friends do I have who search porn in chinese?!

The fourth one. And at the same time likes to read Harry Potter!

The sixth one. What's the diff between normal clothes the you wear to club and clubbing clothes that you wear to work? (I have no idea what I have just said.)

The eighth and ninth one. Bikinis? CK swim wear?!... okay i am running out of silly comments.

Friendster is a useful yet a sick website at the same time. You can find old friends and cyberstalk someone at the same time. Which I don't. Cyberstalk I mean. I don't cyberstalk anyone. Oookay... said too much already. Shutting up now.

16 August, 2005

fuck you microsoft. fuck. you.

I read somewhere in the net that Apple is releasing its Mac OS for x86 (ie. Intel, AMD chips. ie. all those pc running on Windows XP/ME/95 etc ie. probably the pc you are using right now.) in 2006!

I am so jumping ship as soon as I can! Fucking blue screen of terror, we are through!

There is an unsupported version of it circulating around in the p2p network. A website will guide you how to install it is here: http://www.xplodenet.com/.

It was not suppose to be released it to the public. Only a few developers got it thru an IBM machine and it was protected with a security chip. I guess it was meant to be hack easily and distributed for some free publicity.

Anybody care to try installing it?

14 August, 2005

fuck you, smrt. fuck. you.

Noticed how long must you wait for a train these days?

Average 7 minutes. Sometimes, I had waited for ten minutes. Ten fucking minutes. That's how long you have to wait for the train recently.

Is anybody doing anything about it? Are they explaining to us why is this happening?

No. Those SOBs up at SMRT are too busy laughing all the way to the bank.

Fuck it. I am writing an angry letter to SMRT. This is not the first time and it definitely won't be the last.

11 August, 2005

In the mood for some haiku?

I have wrote a couple of Haiku. Okay, three. I am actually in a inspirational mood here! I hope you like it.

An Ode/A Haiku to the Old Man

I shat in my pants
It sure don't feel very good
Never shit in pants

They Bite

Mosquitos bit me
they don't bite anyone else
Man, Life sucks for me

Kiss Me

Hey Dude
You dumb ass
Kiss me

Learn more about Haiku here.

10 August, 2005

three days before national day

Sandie, Ah Ho, Ah Ming, Ah Hong with his wife, Nicole- classmates from YTS and now great friends - meet up for dinner at Marina South three days before National Day.

There we were treated with some fireworks and some lousy twelve dollars buffet.

I remembered how much I dislike that place. Stuffy, hot, terrible food and hundreds of teenagers whose allowances only permit them that much food and enjoyment. I was those teenagers for a while.

Here are some photos taken from Ah Ming's camera:

©2005 lee wee leong.

They were taken after the makan and we headed out to town for a night cap.

08 August, 2005

the day without mahjong...!

©2005 lee wee leong.

Met Bigboss Sam and his date while having dinner at Seoul Garden with my colleagues two saturdays ago.

The strangest thing was that we (with ThaiJames and Okx) would usually be at a mahjong table at that exact timing. Apparently, he wouldn't have gone on a date if there was a mahjong session.

Yeah, right.

Any-whoo, that dinner at Seoul Garden was my first after like what 7-8 years. It was since my good old poly days, I think. In the late-nineties. Remember the late-nineties? It was a very forgettable period of my life. :(

Unamazingly, nothing much has changed though. It was okay since it was a treat from the newbies.

Sadly, I didn't join them for the drinking session that followed- wouldn't have last long anyway. I had exams to think about then.

Here are two more photos of the makan session:

©2005 lee wee leong.

©2005 lee wee leong.

01 August, 2005

atkins dying from his no carb diet

Atkin's company filing for bankruptcy!