Have you ever discover that you have the ability to control certain addictive activities? You know, for example smoking? If you do, would you consider yourself as in control or just because these activities are simply too troublesome to keep up?
I very rarely smoke. I used to say I only smoke when I was overseas for army training. Why? I dunno. Perhaps I missed home and that stressed me out. I was not there for fun, you know. Yes, even though I was mostly vehicle bound.
But, nowadays, I smoke because people offered it to me. You see, I have a thing about how if you do not accept a friendly offer of food of any kind or a cancer inducing concoction of nicotine, tar and a variety of other poisons, you are not being friendly. If you must ask, it's some article I read off Men's Health. (Only the american edition for me please! It's got great tips on how to get hooked up with the ladies. Just look at me now!)
But I don't get addicted. And I always say I don't get addicted to smoking because I can control it. However, during a nice warm shower, I came to a revelation that it was actually laziness that enable me to say "No".
Let's examine the process of the smoking addiction. Smoking requires you to spend time to purchase cigarette, buy/look for/borrow/steal lighters, look for yellow boxes or designated areas, ashtray, discrete location to throw ciggy butt and ash if can't find ashtray, find fellow smokers to do these activites, also, being a nice boy like me, an excuse to smoke. Not to mention because of how expensive Singapore cigarettes are, some you puffers will come up with plans to smuggle some across the causeway too.
Whew. That's why I don't smoke. That's just too much of an effort for me, man. And, also, I will probably never be addicted to extreme sports like sky diving. Too much safety precautions and preparations. Will die even before the parachute fails.
So, at the end of the day, being lazy actually pays.